Alginate Experiment 2 [Part 2]

Back to the plaster of paris head from the alginate mould: I managed to get three out of the mould, but it is starting to deteriorate a bit. I think I could get another couple out at a push, but for the purposes of this test I don't really need to - it was all about what level of detail could be achieved and the practicality of using the alginate. Which, I think is pretty good. I coated one of them up with a bit of green latex for a nice goblin finish, and quickly made a few replacement mouths for the photos. I didn't want to spend too long on this though as this wasn't about having a perfectly finished model. But you can get the idea of where these might lead from these quick snaps:

 I think from all of this, I've seen that alginate is a good viable option for the production of any hard pieces that might need replacements or identical copies made. It gets good level of detail provided you manage to mix both the alginate and the plaster of paris smoothly, with minimal bubbles in the mixture. Although on the later moulds, where the plaster found its way into tiny air bubble pockets, it produced some great little nodules and bumps on the surface which look nice and warty!

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